Wellness! Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has a model for holistic wellness that utilizes the balance of wellness in eight different dimensions. Maintaining wellness in multiple aspects of one’s life is optimal for those who might be feeling unbalanced and down. This model captures a clear picture of the multiple aspects leading…
I found this quote in a book I was reading the other day and it really spoke to me. “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.” –Viktor Frankl I found this statement to be quite profound.…
The Methadone Controversy Disclaimer: This is a post from a fan. Sober Nation does not endorse nor oppose any one way in which somebody achieves recovery. There are many opinions on the use of methadone to recover from addiction. Here is one, leave yours in the comment section. Methadone?…methaDON’T I’m sorry but, if you’re on…
September is Recovery Month! http://www.recoverymonth.gov/ -check it out! This time, I am going to post something that may generate some controversial conversation. I honestly have a curiosity about this topic so please feel free to jump in and discuss in the comments section. Forgive me if I offend anyone. Thanks for reading! Celebrating recovery is…
‘Eating Disorder’ Doesn’t Just Mean Anorexia or Bulimia: I Have EDNOS Posted: 08/27/2014 5:27 pm EDT Updated: 08/27/2014 5:59 pm EDT By Grace Kemeny I’m Grace, and I have EDNOS. Maybe you haven’t heard of it. EDNOS stands for “Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified,” and according to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), it’s…
As we begin a new academic semester and everything is new and exciting all over again, how many of us find our-selves falling back into old habits and behaviors? No, I’m not talking about study habits… I should hope good study habits have become second nature, though nobody really perfects those until just about…
SOBRIETY DOES NOT MEAN A BORING EXISTENCE on Monday, 14 July 2014. Posted in Breaking News One major challenge that many recovering addicts face as they begin to incorporate themselves back into life outside of recovery is finding a way to be in social situations without succumbing to the desire to use. Many addicts face…
Good evening all! This interesting article gave me a good look at the susceptibility mortality each addict faces depending on the drug they choose. When I heard the news about Philip Seymour Hoffman just a few days ago I was shocked when I found out his whole story. Prime facie, it look like he died…
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